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 The End.. They Both Wus out..

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 03/20/2009 : 2:15:26 PM
Was at at Mount Snow Last weekend for the Chevy/Mountain Dew/Doritio's Vertical Challenge and got a Bronze Medal!!!
Yay for me! Invited to the Finals next weekend!
Going to watch the US-Open tomorrow in Vermont.. frack yea!
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ThomasJoseph Posted - 11/29/2024 : 12:53:41 PM

ThomasJoseph Posted - 11/29/2024 : 12:24:06 PM
15 years 8 months 9 days,.... Still waiting to Exploit you.... Maybe we should contact Netflix and have them live stream this, I mean Tyson was 58 and got into the ring... :D
Triptye Posted - 05/05/2013 : 04:21:14 AM
lol. Shit is funny
ThomasJoseph Posted - 04/26/2013 : 9:46:14 PM
Jesus, you couldn't tell when the drugs where good in this town could you?
_Emily Posted - 04/23/2013 : 10:28:48 PM
Whoaa... I love how this is the first time I've logged into upstate in months & months and this is the thread on top.... epic.
Vogelizer Posted - 04/15/2013 : 1:33:33 PM
this is when the internet used to be awesome.

facebook killed internet forums.
PL@N3MO Posted - 04/08/2013 : 1:03:17 PM
Originally posted by Vogelizer

R.I.P. Thomas J

..and his water car

I miss that fella. Well, we're friends on Facebook now, but he's not nearly as entertaining. Facebook killed uunets.

deebuke Posted - 09/30/2010 : 9:37:49 PM


hey... tj - dade murphy wants his hax0rz name back
Thomas J Posted - 09/30/2010 : 9:30:30 PM
Originally posted by Nathan Cipher
(315) 876-8042

for future shenanigans

posterity lol
lol posterity
Vogelizer Posted - 09/30/2010 : 7:05:59 PM
R.I.P. Thomas J

...and his water car
deebuke Posted - 09/30/2010 : 6:04:50 PM
ugghhhhhhhhh my eyes burn from reading this. pure awesome hell.
alexxxae Posted - 09/30/2010 : 1:24:04 PM
bump for neighborhoodcrime
djjokerboy Posted - 04/28/2010 : 11:04:14 PM
Originally posted by n/a

Bring IT!! Mount Snow's Northern Face! You pick the date!


As far as bringing me down to reality? Another FYI fact, I turned down at least 2 50k+ a year jobs with full benefits to live my life the way I see fit. I don't see the point in working in an office hoping to get a day off to enjoy life. I live it everyday! Granted you may have a pile of cash in the bank, but if that's all that matters you can have mine too. There's more to life than being cocky and throwing your money around. You saying you make a shit ton of money to me, is like you handing me a tissue, I don't give a f*ck... Have fun running around that rat maze you call life...

so this is an old thred...well im reading it now and i almost fell outta my chair laughing....i too left my corporate AT&T job years ago...suffered a little until i learned i was having way more fun. i did all this....ended up with a divorce and after thinking too much about it all. ended up in MY favorite state...New York..yeah tons of douche bags....some rich some poor some known and some not (me) but WHO GIVES A f*ck? if im having fun...who gives a shit right? as long as im happy? Nuff said. oh...BTW i just bought a Burton board at a summer sale here in buffalo......gonna go boarding winter 2010-2011 for the first time....i still skateboard evry now n then and have always wanted to ride the snow....witha board instead of a strw and im thinking its gonna be waaaaay more exhiliarating!!!
_Emily Posted - 04/16/2010 : 11:16:26 PM
funny to see this thread brought back out.
marz21 Posted - 04/16/2010 : 2:36:05 PM
My fave part of this whole feud was the Galileo reference... was someone trying to refer to the guy who discovered the Sun at the center of the universe as the father of modern surgery? I read that and just realized that TJ needs to hit up wikipedia before trying to drop some hardcore Trebekian knowledge.

Just to set the record str8:

Father of modern ASTRONOMY : Galileo and to a lesser extent.... me.

Father of Modern SURGERY : Joseph Lister

I'll take Anal Bum Covers for eleventy million, Alex...
Exploit Posted - 04/16/2010 : 2:01:38 PM
Oh right. Wusses
CrazyRaver Posted - 04/15/2010 : 2:38:47 PM
you and TJ. Cause you both wussed out on the K2 Snowboard Challenge
Thomas J Posted - 04/15/2010 : 10:51:12 AM
neither of them are trolls
Exploit Posted - 04/15/2010 : 10:24:19 AM
God damnit! lol

edit: wait, i forget how this ended up as the final title. who are 'they' supposed to be? Me and TJ? Me and someone else?
Swan 7 Posted - 04/15/2010 : 07:05:22 AM
Originally posted by Swan 7

thanks....guess this one just came natural

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