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 Why aren't we getting any some coins in fifa game

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ellenjohan Posted - 12/28/2017 : 03:35:31 AM

Why aren't we getting any some coins in fifa game ?

I'm trying to find this game that I believe came out this year. It's a co op first person shooter that I believe is basically a left 4 dead clone but I don't think it has zombies. I believe when I saw the Buy FIFA Mobile Coins

it was a bunch of spiders or maybe robotic spiders? It's been a while since I saw the geme It's not the new vermantide game. Does anyone know what game I'm talking about? Also is there any good games that are similar to left 4 dead?

I'm not talking about zombie games like dying light and stuff like that. I am talking about games more like evolve and payday where 4 players team up for a common goal of defeating someone or something. Thanks in advance for all the

How to buy cheap and safe fifa coins ? there is a store for selling FIFA Mobile Coins at

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